for 11 -18 year olds
.b, pronounced [dot-be], is the UK’s leading mindfulness curriculum for 11-18 year olds in schools, designed by the charity Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP), in collaboration with The Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University, (the first university based mindfulness centre in the UK). .b materials are based on rigorous research in clinical psychology and neuroscience, written by teachers for teachers.
.b aims to help young people:
To improve their concentration and focus, in classes, in exams and tests, on the sports field, when playing games, when paying attention and listening to others.
To fulfil their potential and pursue their own goals e.g. be more creative, more relaxed, both academically and personally.
To experience greater well-being (e.g. feel happier, calmer, more fulfilled).
To work with difficult mental states such as anxious thoughts and low moods.
To cope with the everyday stresses and strains of adolescent life such as exams, relationships, sleep problems, family issues.
Each .b lesson (between 40 minutes and 1 hour) is expertly crafted for use in the classroom to teach a distinct mindfulness skill.
For their ‘home practice’, pupils are invited to watch and ‘do’ guided mindfulness practices created by one of the UK’s leading animators.
For more information about the .b program and research that supports their work please visit www.mindfulnessinschools.org
Course Outline
Lesson One - Playing Attention
Introduces students to this thing we call our “attention” which, like a puppy, needs to be trained.
Lesson Two - Taming the Animal Mind
Explores different mind states and teaches that ‘anchoring’ attention in the body, alongside the cultivation of curiosity and kindness, can be calming and nourishing.
Lesson Three - Recognising Worry
Explains the tricks our mind plays that lead to stress and anxiety, and gives us techniques to deal with them.
Lesson Four - Being Here Now
Comes to the heart of mindfulness and teaches us how to respond, rather than react, to whatever happens in our lives.
Lesson Five - Moving Mindfully
Shows us that mindfulness is not just something we do sitting or lying down. It also looks at high performance in sport.
Lesson Six - Stepping Back
Offers us a new way of relating to our thoughts. We don’t have to let them carry us away to places we’d rather not be.
Lesson Seven - Befriending the Difficult
Deals with the greatest challenge of all: dealing with difficult emotions.
Lesson Eight - Taking in the Good
Focuses on gratitude and the ‘heartfulness’ of taking in & savouring what is ‘good’ in life.
Lesson Nine – Pulling it all Together
Consolidates the key techniques from .b and inspires students to use what they have learned in the future.
There are 4 additional lessons that follow on from .b, and more material is continually being developed to create a spiralling curriculum. These follow up lessons pick up where .b left off, taking key themes and practices and developing them further, as well as introducing new ones.
Opening the Envelope
- Practice and Possibilities
​Rewiring the Brain
- Knowing What to Do When Your Buttons are Pressed
You and Your Device
- Making Skilful Choices Around Technology
Becoming Unstuck
- Taking Care of Yourself and Others